The green-eyed Boardroom

The green-eyed Boardroom

Companies looking to the US for their next CEOs are by now familiar with some of the challenges in luring high flying executives to the UK and Europe. UK executives peering across the pond see their US counterparts earning far more, bolstered by more lenient cultural expectations, shareholder leniency on remuneration for performance, a soaring US stock market and strong dollar compared with the weakened pound. And they are jealous.

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What to do when your prized transformation programme threatens to derail

What to do when your prized transformation programme threatens to derail

First up: you’re not alone. Some 96% of change projects veer off course (the euphemism is reach a “turning point”) or threaten to, not least because of today’s unpredictable business environment. When that happens, the answer is to put the humans first. Instead of worrying about the dashboard and KPIs, pay attention to the emotional energy and reactions of the transformation team - the Key Behavioural Indicators or KBIs. They are your early warning signs of trouble ahead.

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